
Search results

Vinge has assisted Nobina with a complaint to the Commission

Vinge has assisted Nobina with a complaint to the Commission about Finland having granted loans under conditions not on market terms to the Finnish bus transport company Helsingin Bussiliikenne Oy.
July 04, 2019

Vinge advises Orkla in connection with the acquisition of Zeelandia AB

Vinge has advised Orkla in connection with Orkla Food Ingredients AS’s acquisition of Zeelandia AB from Koninklijke Zeelandiaa Groep B.V.
April 12, 2019

The European Commission closes Tele2 investigation

On 25 April 2017 the European Commission conducted dawnraids at the premises of Tele2 and three other mobile network operators active in Sweden regarding potential infringements of EU competition law.
November 13, 2018

Vinge advises HH Ferries

Vinge has advised HH Ferries in an action before the EU General Court in Luxembourg in state aid proceedings which primarily relate to state guarantees.
September 21, 2018

Vinge advises Transtema in connection with the acquisition of Ericsson Local Services

Transtema Group AB (publ), listed on Nasdaq First North, has entered into an agreement to acquire Ericsson Local Services AB (”LSS”), Ericsson’s field service business in Sweden.
July 11, 2018

Vinge acts as counsel to Orkla in connection with the acquisition of Health and Sports Nutrition Group

Vinge acts as counsel to Orkla in connection with the acquisition of Health and Sports Nutrition Group HSNG AB (”HSNG”). The seller is Qliro Group AB (publ).
November 21, 2017

Vinge advises Tele2 in proceedings before the CJEU regarding the swedish data retention regulation

Vinge has advised Tele2 in connection with proceedings before the CJEU where it has been adjudicated whether the compulsory obligation under Swedish legislation on the providers of electronic communication services to retain data information from their customers is compatible with the EU law.
December 23, 2016