In its judgment dated 2 December 2011, the Stockholm District Court ordered TeliaSonera to pay an administrative fine of SEK 144 million for abuse of its dominant position on the ADSL market. According to the Court, TeliaSonera’s margin squeeze caused long-term effects restricting competition. The case was also the subject of a preliminary ruling before the Court of Justice (17 February 2011) and is of major significance as a matter of principle and from a practical perspective and the administrative fine is the highest amount imposed hitherto in Sweden for abuse of a dominant position. Tele2 intervened in the proceedings supporting the Competition Authority’s case and was represented by partners Carl Wetter and Johan Karlsson and associate Karl Samuelsson. Vinge’s team is also representing Tele2 in its action for damages against TeliaSonera due to the margin squeezing conduct. These proceedings are currently pending and Tele2 is claiming damages of SEK 873 million plus interest from TeliaSonera.