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The EU Foreign Subsidy Regulation and concentrations – How to prepare?

The Foreign Subsidy Regulation (‘FSR’) is applicable in the EU from 12 July 2023. It introduces a control regime for foreign subsidies, with a view to address distortions caused by such subsidies on the internal market and to ensure a level playing field.
March 02, 2023

Sanctions update 3/ 2023

EU imposes 10th sanctions package and new sanctions from US and UK.
February 28, 2023

Sanctions update – oil price cap

On 4 February 2023, members of the Price Cap Coalition (G7 plus EU and Australia) reached consensus on price caps for seaborne Russian-origin petroleum products falling under CN code 2710.
February 13, 2023

Foreign direct investments – what applies in conjunction with security-sensitive activities?

Sweden is one of only a few EU countries which currently does not have a general regulation governing foreign direct investments. However, a legislative proposal is expected this spring. Vinge provides an overview of the current Swedish legal position in the Sweden chapter relating to Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in the International Comparative Legal Guide.
February 03, 2023

COP27 – one step closer to climate justice

COP27 was concluded on 18 November 2022 after two weeks of negotiations in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt with the presence of leaders and representatives from 190 countries. The 1.5 °C target was a priority item on the agenda ahead of COP27, along with the efforts to support developing countries, which are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Amongst the EU’s top priorities ahead of the conference were to accelerate the phase out of coal, as well as to abolish inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.
December 19, 2022

The EU Digital Service Act has entered into force

The EU Digital Service Act (DSA), Regulation 2022/2065, entered into force on 16 November. It sets out rules for online intermediary services in the single market to ensure a safe, predictable and trustworthy online environment. The regulation also aims to counter the spread of illegal content online and the risks to society caused by the spread of disinformation. The goal is to facilitate expansion for smaller platforms, micro and small businesses and start-ups.
December 13, 2022

Renewable energy – The Council agrees on a temporary emergency regulation

In the beginning of November, the European Commission put forward a proposal regarding a framework to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy, with the ambition to speed up the transition to green energy and reduce the EU’s dependency on Russian fossil fuels. In line with the conclusions of the European Council at the end of October, the European Commission considers that the ongoing energy crisis requires immediate action to transpose parts of the REPowerEU plan, and therefore proposes to adopt a Council Regulation using Article 122(1) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) as legal basis.
December 06, 2022

REPowerEU – The European Parliament and the Council have assumed their standpoints

In May 2022, the Commission presented its proposal regarding REPowerEU. The purpose of the plan, which is based on the "Fit for 55" parcel , is to change Europe’s energy system by eliminating the EU’s dependency on Russian fossil fuels as well as to tackle the climate crisis. The European Parliament and the Council have now adopted their positions in order to incorporate the plan into the national recovery and resilience plans.
November 29, 2022

Temporary EU measures addressing rising energy prices

The EU has adopted a new Regulation setting out various temporary measures to lower prices on the energy market. The aim of the temporary measures is to reduce Russia’s impact on the European energy market. The Regulation provides, among other things, that the Member States are obliged to reduce the electricity consumption by at least 5 % during certain peak hours and that the crude oil, natural gas, coal, and refinery sectors are required to pay a solidarity contribution.
October 13, 2022

The European Commission proposes a Cyber Resilience Act

On 15 September 2022, the European Commission published a proposal for a new regulation on cyber security (Cyber Resilience Act) (COM (2022) 454 final) that will protect consumers and businesses from products with inadequate safety features.
October 12, 2022

Proposed EU regulation prohibiting forced labour

On 14 September 2022, the European Commission proposed a EU new regulation which bans products made with forced labour (COM (2022) 453).
October 05, 2022

Proposal for a European Media Freedom Act

The European Commission has presented a proposal for new legislation which aims to protect journalists and media companies and combat disinformation.
September 26, 2022

The European Commission proposes a new Single Market Emergency Instrument

On 19 September 2022, the Commission adopted a proposal for a new regulation on an emergency instrument for the Single Market. Following the Covid-19 pandemic and other crises in the last years, the Union has seen internal entry restrictions, unpredictable rules and supply disruptions which, according to the Commission, have highlighted that there are structural shortcomings in the EU legal framework on the Single Market. The proposed emergency instrument aims to preserve the free movement of goods, services and persons and to ensure the availability of essential goods and services in the event of future emergencies.
September 22, 2022

Helena Rosén Andersson joins Vinge

Today we welcome former Justice of the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden, Helena Rosén Andersson, to Vinge. We thereby strengthen our services within public procurement, administrative and public law, constitutional law, state aid and dispute resolution.
August 18, 2022

A new EU instrument for international procurement (IPI)

On 17 June 2022, the Council adopted a regulation on a new instrument for international procurement (“IPI”), following the formal adoption of the IPI at the European Parliament plenary session on 9 June 2022. The general objective of the IPI is to create reciprocity in the access to international public procurement markets by enabling the Commission to undertake investigations and adopt measures to open and improve access to third-country public procurement and concession markets.
July 11, 2022
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