Our latest articles


Top ranking for Vinge's Maritime and Transport Practice Group

Vinge has been awarded the highest ranking by both Chambers and Legal 500 in their recently released rankings.
May 12, 2020

Vinge participates in the Logistics Podcast

Paula Bäckdén, advokat, participates as the first lawyer in the 6-year history of The Logistics Podcast, and talks about transport law.
April 30, 2020

The global reach of OFAC sanctions

Sanctions imposed by OFAC have a global reach and therefore also an impact on any company involved in international trade. The legal basis can sometimes be questioned, but in practice there is no option but to abide, since a breach can cause very high fines. Companies are therefore well advised to implement compliance programmes taking into consideration sanctions imposed by OFAC.
April 15, 2020

Covid-19: Checklist of legal issues for companies

Updated 5 mars 2021. We have gathered together a number of questions and answers which we frequently encounter in our practice to help companies navigate the situation.
March 27, 2020

Covid-19 and its impact on international trade

Vinge’s experts within trade and shipping summarise some observations on how Corona impact international trade.
March 27, 2020

Vinge top ranked in Legal 500

Vinge has received the highest ranking within14 of 17 categories in Legal 500’s ranking list which was published recently.
April 16, 2019

Vinge member of the UN Global Compact

In February this year, Vinge became a member of the UN Global Compact, a UN framework which gathers more than 9000 companies and organizations globally around ten principles concerning respect for human rights, employee rights, the environment and anti‑corruption
March 23, 2018