
Vinge partners author chapter on Employee Incentives of the Chambers Global Practice Guide 2025

March 06, 2025 Employment and Benefits

In the latest edition of Chambers Global Practice Guide: Employee Incentives 2025, Vinge’s experts analyse the legal and tax aspects of incentive schemes in Sweden. The guide highlights how companies can design share and cash-based remuneration for employees and how these are affected by legislation and collective bargaining agreements.

Vinge's employment and benefits practice group under the guidance of advokat Sam Seddigh, advokat Emelie Svensäter Jerntorp and advokat Yohanna Öhrnegård has authored the Swedish section of the recently published guide in which they provide an overview of the legal framework. The chapter also highlights key issues that companies should consider when implementing incentive schemes such as bonus schemes, share options or variable remuneration schemes.

Among the key topics covered in the chapter are:

  • How companies can design incentive schemes in line with Swedish employment, company and tax law rules.
  • Trends in incentive schemes in Sweden.
  • The importance of collective bargaining agreements and how they can affect incentive structures for employees.

Sweden's employment law framework is of great importance to both national and international companies operating in this jurisdiction. The chapter in Employee Incentives 2025 serves as a practical guide for employers, HR specialists and lawyers working with remuneration issues.

Read the full chapter here.