The partnership between SpareBank 1 Markets and Swedbank aims to create a leading Nordic investment…
Vinge has advised Adelis Equity Partners on the establishment of Adelis’ fourth flagship fund: Adeli…
Vinge has represented Inflexion in connection with the acquisition of the Mecenat group from IK. The…
Vinge has advised Impilo with regulatory advice on the establishment of Impilo Orphan Drugs, a so-ca…
Vinge has, together with Kirkland & Ellis, advised Zellis Group, a portfolio company of funds advise…
Vinge has advised Fidelio Capital (“Fidelio”) and the other shareholders of Odevo Group (“Odevo”) in…
Priveq, a leading Nordic lower mid-market growth and buyout investor, has closed its seventh fund, P…
Vinge has advised Alder on the establishment of Alder's third and largest fund to date, Alder III.
Vinge has advised Adelis Equity Partners on the establishment of a continuation fund to Adelis Equit…
Vinge has advised Carnegie Investment Bank AB in connection with the acquisition of the business sec…
The fund – which is Fidelio Capital’s third – has secured more than EUR 1 billion in total capital c…
Vinge has advised Schibsted in conjunction with its investment in Savr AB. The investment round, whi…
Vinge has advised Bonhams 1793 Limited, an international auction house with its head office in Londo…
Vinge has advised PK AirFinance, part of Apollo Global Management, in connection with the sale of 3…
Vinge has advised Amundi, a division of the Crédit Agricole group, in connection with its acquisitio…
Vinge has advised ALAFCO in connection with leasing of a brand new Airbus A320-NEO to SAS, delivered…
Vinge has advised ALAFCO Aviation Lease and Finance Company, a Kuwait based, world leading operator…
Vinge has advised Deutsche Börse, one of the world’s largest operators of marketplaces for securitie…
Vinge is advising funds managed by Corsair Capital LLC on their acquisition of a controlling interes…