Christian Lindhé is ranked as Notable practitioner at IFLR 1000 2019
Paxman AB (publ) has announced a public offer to the shareholders of Dignitana AB. The total value o…
Pharming Technologies B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Pharming Group N.V., has announced a public…
Vinge advises Carasent AB (publ) in connection with the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm. The listing is…
Vinge advises Active Biotech AB (publ) in connection with a rights issue of approximately SEK 43 mil…
Vinge advises Cantargia AB (publ) in connection with a rights issue of approximately SEK 170 million…
ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ) has entered into an agreement intended to lead to the acquisition of Fin…
Vinge advises Fastighets Aktiebolaget Trianon (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of SE…
1Vision Biogas AB, a company controlled by Aneo, HitecVision and St1, has made a public mandatory bi…
Active Biotech AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm) has carried out a rights issue of approximately SEK 51 m…
Vinge advises Fastighets Aktiebolaget Trianon (publ) in connection with its partial tender offer for…
Vinge advises Cantargia AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of approximately SEK 59…
SAGA Diagnostics AB, a cancer diagnostics and disease monitoring company, has carried out a converti…
Vinge advises Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) in connection with its rights offering of appr…
Vinge advises SiB Solutions in connection with an investment from Scania Growth Capital (SGC).
Vinge advises BHG Group AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 800 million throu…
Aneo Renewables Holding AS has made a public mandatory bid for all shares in Scandinavian Biogas Fue…
Scandinavian Biogas Fuels International AB has carried out a directed share issue of SEK 326 million…
Vinge has advised Xintela in connection with the mandatory public offer from Flerie Invest AB.
Active Biotech AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm) carries out a rights issue of approximately SEK 55 milli…
Vinge advises Cantargia AB (publ) in connection with a fully covered rights issue of approximately S…
Vinge advises BHG Group AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 1.0 billion throu…
Vinge advises Oncorena Holding AB in connection with an investment of initially SEK 66 million from…
Vinge advises Fastighets AB Trianon (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of approximatel…
Vinge advises Haypp Group AB (publ) (“Haypp Group”) in connection with the listing on Nasdaq First N…
Vinge has advised Bactiguard Holding AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue to AMF wher…
Fastighets AB Trianon has made a public mandatory bid for all shares in Signatur Fastigheter AB (pub…
Vinge has advised Lifco AB in connection with its establishment of an MTN program with a framework a…
Vinge advises Profoto Holding AB (publ) in connection with the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm. The pros…
Vinge is advising BHG Group AB (publ) in connection with its acquisition of 92.2% of the shares in H…
Vinge advises BHG Group AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of approximately SEK 1.6…
Vinge has advised Fastighets AB Trianon (publ) in connection with its list change from Nasdaq First…
Vinge advised Cantargia AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 564 million to a…
Vinge advised Active Biotech AB (publ) in connection with its rights offering.
Vinge advises Re:NewCell AB in connection with its listing on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Mark…
Vinge advises BioGaia AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of approximately SEK 1.1 b…
BIMobject AB (publ) makes a directed share issue of approximately SEK 304 million to selected Swedis…
BHG Group AB (publ) has made a recommended cash offer to the shareholders of Sleepo AB (publ).
Vinge advised Fastighets AB Trianon in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 115 million thr…
Vinge advised IVISYS AB in connection with a directed share issue through an accelerated book buildi…
Vinge has provided capital markets and transaction advice in connection with Magle Chemoswed Holding…
Cantargia AB (publ) makes a directed share issue of approximately SEK 410 million to a number of Swe…
Vinge has advised Lifco AB in connection with its establishment of an MTN program with a framework a…
Vinge advised Fastighets AB Trianon in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 210 million thr…
ZetaDisplay AB (publ) has issued a 3.5 year senior unsecured bond loan of SEK 300 million, within a…
Vinge advised Enea AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 271 million through an…
Cantargia AB (publ) makes a directed share issue of approximately SEK 106 million to a number of Nor…
Active Biotech AB (publ) has entered an agreement regarding sale of the property Forskaren 1 in Lund…
AB Fagerhult (publ) has entered into an agreement to acquire iGuzzini illuminazione S.p.A. for EUR 3…
The shares of Cantargia AB (publ) have been admitted to trading on the main market of Nasdaq Stockho…
The shares of Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) have been admitted to trading on the main mark…
BIMobject AB (publ) has completed a directed share issue of SEK 240 million to EQT Ventures.
Lifco AB (publ) has issued two unsecured bond loans of in total SEK 1,750 million with a tenor of tw…
Alexion has announced a public cash offer to the shareholders of Wilson Therapeutics AB.
Enea AB (publ) has signed an agreement to acquire Openwave Mobility for USD 90 million and has issue…
Active Biotech AB (publ) issues new shares with pre-emptive rights for the shareholders.
Vinge advised Medivir AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 155 million through…
Vinge has advised Wilson Therapeutics on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Wilson Therapeutics…
Vinge has advised Tempest Security AB (publ) in connection with its listing on Nasdaq First North. T…
Lifco AB (publ) has issued two unsecured bond loans of in total SEK 1,000 million, with a tenor of t…
Vinge advises Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Premier) in connection wit…
Vinge advises Cantargia AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North) in connection with a combined directed issue…
Orexo AB (publ) has issued a four-year senior unsecured bond loan of SEK 325 million, within a frame…
Vinge has advised Enea AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue of SEK 141 million throug…
Vinge advises Fastighets AB Trianon (publ) in connection with the acquisition of the Entré propertie…
Vinge has advised Platzer Fastigheter in conjunction with the acquisition of AB Volvo’s real estate…
Advokat Anna Edström, advokat Christoffer Thalin and advokat Kristian Ford all of whom work at Vinge…