Vinge advises the majority shareholders Altor, Telia Company, Time For Growth and Zenith VC in conne…
Vinge represents Ellevio in the acquisition of Markbygden Net Väst AB, a network company that connec…
Vinge has represented Inflexion in connection with the acquisition of the Mecenat group from IK. The…
Vinge has represented the leading infrastructure group Eleda in connection with the acquisitions of…
Vinge has advised Axcel VII and Accru Partners in connection with the parallel acquisitions of Ekono…
Vinge has advised the Nordic private equity firm Axcel in connection with its establishment of Accru…
Vinge has advised the Nordic private equity firm Axcel in connection with its establishment of a new…
Vinge has advised Consolid Equity Investment AB (“Consolid Equity”) in connection with the establish…
On June 14, 2024, KMC Properties ASA, listed on Oslo Børs, announced that the company is merging wit…
Vinge advises Axcel VI and the Currentum Group in connection with the acquisition of Elektro-Emanuel…