"We like senior associate Karl-Gustaw Tobola - he is responsive and easy to work with." Legal 500, 2025
Vinge has advised Gränges AB (publ) (“Gränges”), a global leader in aluminium rolling and recycling…
Vinge advises the majority shareholders Altor, Telia Company, Time For Growth and Zenith VC in conne…
Vinge has advised the Nordic private equity firm Intera Partners in connection with its investment i…
Vinge has represented Inflexion in connection with the acquisition of the Mecenat group from IK. The…
Vinge, alongside among others Castrén & Snellman, has advised Fortum in connection with the divestme…
Vinge advises Bridgepoint Development Capital III and Bridgepoint Europe VI (”Bridgepoint”), founder…
Vinge advises Polar Structure AB, a leading developer and owner of infrastructure, in connection wit…
Vinge advises Tele2 AB (publ) in connection with its entry into a EUR 140 million loan agreement wit…
Vinge advises Aspo, listed on Nasdaq Helsinki, in the transaction whereby Aspo's subsidiary Telko ex…
Vinge has advised the international private equity firm PSG Equity in connection with its investment…
Vinge has advised Attendo, the largest care company in the Nordic region, in connection with the con…
Vinge has assisted Tobii AB in connection with the acquisition of the AutoSense business from Xperi…
Due Compliance is a software company which enables organisations to comply with the requirements in…
Vinge has advised Polar Structure AB, a developer and long-term owner of infrastructure, in connecti…
Vinge advises Procuritas Capital Investor VII (“Procuritas”) in connection with its acquisition of P…
Vinge advises the sellers, represented by Litorina V Fund, in connection with the divestment of JOHB…
Vinge has advised Axcel in connection with the investment in XPartners Samhällsbyggnad (“XPartners”)…
Vinge has advised Danske Bank A/S, Danmark, Sverige Filial in connection with the signing of a new S…
Vinge has advised Sandvik AB (publ) and Sandvik Treasury AB (publ) in connection with the entry into…
Vinge has advised Svenska Handelsbanken in connection with a SEK 500 million sustainability linked r…
Vinge advises Sobro in connection with the investment in NSS Group, a leading Nordic supplier of she…
Vinge has advised STARK Group in connection with its acquisition of the Nordic tiles actor FagFlis G…
Vinge has advised Spring Media in conjunction with its merger with Hogmore.
Vinge advises Procuritas Capital Investors in connection with its acquisition of a majority stake in…
Vinge has advised Swecon Anläggningsmaskiner AB (”Swecon”) on the acquisition of KEWAB Rental AB (”K…
Vinge advises Inspecs Group plc on the acquisition of Ego Eyewear Limited.
Vinge advises iBinder in connection with the acquisition of SundaHus i Linköping Aktiebolag ("SundaH…
Vinge advised FACT-Finder on its acquisition of real-time AI-personalization vendor Loop54 making it…
Vinge has advised Platinum Equity Advisors LLC in connection with the acquisition of the global envi…
Vinge advises Axcel VI and the Currentum Group in connection with the acquisition of Månsson Rör & V…
Vinge advises Axcel VI and the Currentum Group in connection with the acquisition of E. Friggeråkers…
Vinge advises Ares Management in conjunction with an investment of up to SEK 2,000,000,000 in Gladsh…
Vinge advises Axcel VI and the Currentum Group in connection with the acquisitions of Ventilation En…
Today ROL offers workspace solutions including software and ergonomically optimized office furniture…
Vinge advises EQT in connection with the acquisition of leading global pest control specialist Antic…
IT Advisor Sweden AB provides consultancy services and product-related services for IT-security. The…
Vinge advises Kafrit Industries (1993) Ltd on acquisition of Addvanze AB.
Vinge has advised Axcel VI in connection with the three parallel acquisitions of Installationsgruppe…