Preem operates around 500 filling stations in Sweden, as well as refineries in Lysekil and Gothenbur…
Vinge, alongside among others Castrén & Snellman, has advised Fortum in connection with the divestme…
Vinge advises Fidelio Capital and Heart BidCo AB in connection with the SEK 900,000,000 senior secur…
Vinge has advised Amer Sports, Inc. in connection with the listing of the company on the New York St…
Vinge advises Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ) ("SBB") in connection with its sale of stak…
Vinge has advised Spring Media in conjunction with its merger with Hogmore.
Vinge has advised 4 to 1 Investments in connection with Northvolt’s USD 1.1 billion convertible note…
Vinge advises Axcel in connection with the acquisition of Oral Care, a leading dental care provider…
SAF-HOLLAND SE has announced a recommended cash offer to the shareholders of Haldex AB (publ). The o…
Vinge has represented the international private equity firm Cinven and Danish life science investmen…
Vinge advises wpd Europe GmbH, an developer and operator of onshore and offshore wind farms and sola…
Vinge has advised PDL Group and its main shareholders in connection with the merger with Padel Unite…
Vinge is advising Vimian and the principal shareholder Fidelio in connection with a private placemen…
Vinge has advised Scandic Hotels Group AB (publ) on an offering of convertible bonds raising approxi…
The clothing company Polarn O. Pyret AB is acquired by Procuritas Capital Investors IV from RNB Reta…
Vinge has advised Peab and Annehem Fastigheter in connection with the distribution of the shares in…
Altor Fund V and Stena Adactum AB have, through the jointly controlled company GB HoldCo AB, announc…
Vinge has advised Neste Corporation in the sale of its 49.99% shares in Nynas AB to Bitumina Industr…
Vinge has advised Scandic Hotels Group AB (publ) on a fully underwritten rights issue, which will pr…
Axcel has signed an agreement to aquire a majority ownership stake in AddPro, a Swedish leading prov…
Vinge has advised Ambea on its acquisition of Aleris’ care operations (“Aleris Care”) from Sirela Sw…
Vinge has advised Ikano in connection with the resale of its 26.8 per cent in Stadium as a consequen…
Headquartered in Stockholm, Envirotainer designs, manufactures and leases active temperature-control…
Vinge has advised funds managed by Triton in connection with the acquisition of the privately owned…
Vinge has advised the US private equity company Hellman & Friedman in connection with the acquis…
Vinge has advised Dometic Group AB (publ) in connection with the financing of its acquisition of Sea…
Vinge has advised funds managed by Triton in connection with the acquisition of KEWAB, a supplementa…
DOCU is a market leader in the Nordic region within the mediation of B2B chain-based information to…
Vinge represented Svenska Handelsbanken in the refinancing and entering into of new financing agreem…
Vinge together with Willkie Farr & Gallagher have advised the French private equity fund PAI Par…
Vinge has advised funds managed by Triton in connection with the acquisition of Akeab.
Vinge advises FAM AB on the acquisition of Sandvik Process Systems (”SPS”) from Sandvik AB at a pric…
Vinge has advised Helaba’s (Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale) financing of M&G Real Esta…
Vinge has advised Fidelio Capital in connection with the acquisition of the majority of the shares i…
Vinge advises the Second Swedish National Pension Fund and the Sixth Swedish National Pension Fund a…
Advokat Daniel Daun and advokat Victor Ericsson at Vinge’s Malmö and Stockholm offices respectively…