Vinge has advised Röko AB (publ) (“Röko”) in connection with its listing on Nasdaq Stockholm. The pr…
Symrise AG has announced a public cash offer to the shareholders of Probi AB (publ) (“Probi”). The o…
Vinge has advised EQT IX (”EQT”) in connection with the sale of shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) throu…
On 28 May 2024, Asahi Kasei Corporation announced a public takeover offer to the shareholders and ho…
Humana Group ("Humana") strengthens its offering of high-quality care services in Norway as Human Ca…
EQT Infrastructure VI, through its indirectly owned subsidiary Otello BidCo AB, announces a recommen…
Vinge has advised Hansa Biopharma AB (publ) in connection with a directed share issue through which…
Vinge has advised Vimian Group AB (publ) in connection with a partly guaranteed rights issue which w…
Vinge has advised the principal shareholder Norvestor VI L.P in connection with the public offer by…
Vinge has advised Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., (”Thermo Fisher”), the world leader in serving scie…
Vinge has advised EQT IX (”EQT”) in connection with the sale of shares in Beijer Ref AB (publ) throu…
Symrise AG has made a public mandatory bid for all shares in Swedencare AB (publ).
Through the rights issue of units, Xspray is expected to receive approximately SEK 300 million, with…
ACQ Bure AB, a Swedish acquisition company (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) listed on Nasdaq St…
François-Charles Oberthur has announced a public offer to the shareholders and holders of listed war…
Velvet Cichlid has announced a public offer to the shareholders of Sleep Cycle AB (publ). The offer…
Vinge has advised Acrinova AB (publ) (“Acrinova” or the “Company”) in connection with the Company’s…
The loan agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) grants Oncopeptides access to a renewed u…
Vinge advises Vimian in connection with a directed share issue of approximately MSEK 1,500, before i…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
MGM Casino Next Lion, LLC has announced a recommended public offer to the shareholders of LeoVegas A…
Vinge has advised ABG Sundal Collier and Carnegie in connection with a capital raising in Xshore of…
EQT AB (publ) has completed the issuance of a EUR 750,000,000 sustainability-linked bond maturing in…
Capillar and the minority shareholders have entered into an agreement to sell all shares in Spolargr…
Vinge has advised EQT in connection with the combination with Baring Private Equity Asia, a leading…
Vinge has advised Xspray Pharma, a pharmaceutical company with several product candidates in clinica…
Vinge has advised Acrinova, an entrepreneurial real estate company operating in the south of Sweden…
Vinge advises Calliditas Therapeutics, a specialty pharmaceutical company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm…
Vinge is advising Vimian and the principal shareholder Fidelio in connection with a private placemen…
Vinge advises Sleep Cycle AB (publ) (“Sleep Cycle” or the “Company”) in connection with the listing…
Vinge has advised ABG Sundal Collier and Carnegie in connection with Permascand’s listing on Nasdaq…
EQT AB (publ) has completed the issuance of a EUR 500,000,000 sustainability-linked bond maturing in…
Vinge is advising Acrinova AB (publ) in connection with a rights issue which will provide Acrinova w…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
The banks acted as arrangers and bookrunners in connection with Heimstaden AB’s (publ) issuance of E…
The share issue was directed to a number of Swedish and international institutional investors on the…
Vinge has advised EQT in connection with the signing of a combination with Exeter Property Group, a…
Roar BidCo AB has announced a public offer to the shareholders and holders of convertible bonds of R…
Latour Industries AB has announced a public offer to the shareholders of Allgon AB (publ). The offer…
Carrier Global Corporation (“Carrier”) is a leading global provider of heating, ventilating and air…
Vinge has advised Gränges AB (publ) in connection with a fully guaranteed rights issue of approximat…
Vinge has advised Pareto Securities in its capacity as Sole Manager and Bookrunner in connection wit…
Vinge has advised the pharmaceutical development company Xspray Pharma in connection with a directed…
The loan agreement with the EIB grants Oncopeptides access to an unsecured loan facility of up to EU…
On 25 September 2020, Grundstenen 300029 AB, owned by a consortium led by Paradigm Capital Value Fun…
Vinge has advised Carrier Global Corporation in connection with a sale of 9.25 million B shares in B…
Vinge advises Calliditas Therapeutics, a specialty pharmaceutical company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm…
Alfa Laval AB (publ) has announced a recommended public cash offer to the shareholders of Neles Corp…
Vinge has advised VNV Global in connection with the process of changing the group’s domicile from Be…
The board of directors of Oncopeptides has resolved on a directed new issue of shares, whereby Oncop…
Advokat Sofie Bjärtun, advokat Rikard Lindahl, advokat Malin Malm Waerme and advokat Daniel Wendelss…