Christoffer Thalin

Delägare Advokat
  • Malmö
  • Språk:
    Svenska, Engelska


"Christoffer Thalin is an experienced lawyer with a strong track record in renewable energy transactions." Chambers & Partners 2025

"His experience is second to none in the Swedish market. He has very good industry views and has been very involved in many transactional precedents in Sweden." Chambers & Partners 2025

"Christoffer Thalin has a very strong knowledge of the industry and a good commercial sense." Chambers & Partners 2025

Christoffer Thalin is always calm, detailed and holistic in his negotiations and proposals for our legal matters. He has detailed knowledge of each contract.” Chambers & Partners 2024

“He is our main contact at Vinge. We have done many deals with him and he is very knowledgeable in terms of both legal expertise and the energy industry.” Chambers & Partners 2024

"Christoffer Thalin deserves extra special positive attention. He has answered after ordinary business hours and supported in what has sometimes been very hectic times, whilst still remaining calm and level-headed." "Christoffer has faced the transaction with strong determination in order to reach the best result for us." Christoffer Thalin has notable expertise in renewable energy sector mandates. He stands out for his extensive experience in handling a range of transactional mandates and in the development of renewable energy projects. Chambers & Partners 2023

Co-chairing the firm's energy group, Christoffer Thalin has notable expertise in renewable energy sector mandates. He stands out for his extensive experience in handling a range of transactional mandates and in the development of renewable energy projects. Chambers & Partners 2022

‘Christoffer Thalin has a deep knowledge of the energy industry. He is able to guide the client through complex negotiations and to focus on the most important criticalities.’ Legal 500 2022

Co-chairing the firm's energy group, Christoffer Thalin has notable expertise in renewables. He stands out for his extensive experience handling a range of transactional mandates, including M&A and project financing. One client describes him as "one of the most reliable lawyers," further praising: "He is an experienced lawyer in construction and technical agreements in the area of energy." Chambers & Partners 2021

Christoffer Thalin is ranked as a Leading individual in Legal 500.

Christoffer Thalin is an outstanding individual in terms of energy project expertise. Good negotiation skills, well educated, charismatic and solutions oriented.‘ - Legal 500 2020

Christoffer Thalin offers valuable expertise in transactional and regulatory mandates. He often acts for infrastructure funds on the acquisition of distribution system operators. He is also knowledgeable in the financing and development of wind farm projects, including permitting and land rights issues. Clients describe him as "one of our favourite practitioners in Sweden: immensely talented, fun to work with and draws on a wealth of experience."  - Chambers & Partners 2020

Christoffer Thalin is ranked as Highly regarded at IFLR 1000 2019

Christoffer Thalin is best recognised for his expertise on renewable energy, with particular strength advising on wind farm issues. Interviewees characterise him as a skilled practitioner who gives “fast responses and full attention during the process.” - Chambers & Partners 2018

Christoffer Thalin is a growing presence on the Swedish wind energy market. He specialises in advising on the supply, erection, service and maintenance of renewable power plants. Clients appreciate the depth of his knowledge in the sector: "I was impressed by him in negotiations. I think while relatively young he was very experienced and very strong in getting his main points across and negotiating." - Chambers & Partners 2017

In Malmö, leading lawyer Christoffer Thalin practices corporate and M&A matters in energy - IFLR 1000 2016

New partner Christopher Thalin has extensive experience with wind turbine construction, operation and supply agreements on both a domestic and international level. Market sources describe him as "highly competent and focused on energy work." - Chambers & Partners 2016

Christopher Thalin has a solid background in wind farm operation and the acquisition and divestiture of greenfield sites. Sources appreciate his "specialist knowledge, experience and understanding of the issues." - Chambers & Partners 2015

Christopher Thalin stands out especially for his expertise in wind turbine supply and service agreements. Sources describe him as "terribly good." - Chambers & Partners 2014

In Malmö, leading lawyer Christoffer Thalin practices corporate and M&A matters in energy - IFLR 1000 2014





  • Lunds Universitet (jur kand, 2003)
  • McGill University, Montreal, Kanada, 2001-2002


  • Vinge 2010 -
  • Vestas Northern Europe AB, bolagsjurist, 2008 -2010
  • Vinge 2003 – 2008
  • Tingstjänstgöring, 2003




Uppdrag 3 september 2024

Vinge företräder Ingrid Capacity vid ingåendet av partnerskap med Locus Energy, ett av SEB Nordic Energys portföljbolag

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Vinge biträder Anglo American i samband med investering i Dannemoragruvan

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Vinge företräder Polhem Infra vid tecknande av ramavtal med Solkompaniet gällande solkraftsparker

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Vinge har biträtt Igneo Infrastructure Partners i samband med försäljningen av ForSea AB

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Vinge har biträtt Nordion Energi AB i samband med förvärvet av Falbygden Energi AB

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Uppdrag 28 februari 2020

Vinge företräder Equitix i samband med förvärvet av Brotorp vindkraftspark

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Vinge biträder Marguerite i förvärvet och projektfinansieringen av vindkraftsparken Brännliden.

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Uppdrag 10 februari 2020

Vinge biträder re:cap i förvärvet och projektfinansieringen av vindkraftsparken Bröcklingeberget

Vinge har biträtt en fond administrerad av re:cap global investors AG med förvärvet och projektfinan…

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Vinge biträder KGAL i förvärvet och projektfinansieringen av vindkraftsparken Bäckhammar

Vinge har biträtt en fond administrerad av KGAL Investment Management GmbH & Co. KG med förvärvet oc…

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Vinge har företrätt SUSI Partners i förvärvet av Lyngsåsa vindkraftspark

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Blackrock har förvärvat vindkraftsparken Enviksberget

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Vinge företräder First State Investments i förvärv av E.ON Gas Sverige AB.

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Vinge företräder säljarna i samband med försäljningen av Exensor Security International AB

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Vinge företrädde en fond administrerad av BlackRock

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Vinge topprankad i 12 områden och som Leading Firm i Chambers & Partners Europe Guide 2024
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Vinge topprankad i 12 områden och som Leading Firm i Chambers & Partners Europe Guide 2024

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Vinge topprankat i 12 områden i Chambers & Partners Europe Guide 2023
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Vinge topprankat av Legal 500 och Chambers & Partners
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Vinge topprankat av Legal 500 och Chambers & Partners

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Vinge topprankat av Chambers & Partners inom tio verksamhetsområden

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Vinge i topp i IFLR:s ranking
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Vinge i topp i IFLR:s ranking

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Tre nya delägare invalda på Vinge i Skåne
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Tre nya delägare invalda på Vinge i Skåne

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