Daniel Wendelsson är ansvarig för Vinges verksamhet inom offentlig upphandling och granskning av utländska direktinvesteringar (FDI). Daniel är en av Sveriges ledande experter i upphandlingsrätt och FDI. Han har stor erfarenhet av domstolsprocesser i upphandlingsmål och biträder klienter i alla skeden vid upphandlingar och avtal mellan offentlig sektor och leverantörer. Daniel har representerat klienter i ett stort antal ärenden inför granskningsmyndigheten enligt FDI-lagen. Daniel anlitas också i ärenden som rör förvaltningsprocess, konstitutionell rätt och Europakonventionen för de mänskliga rättigheterna.
"He is an extremely competent lawyer who has a proven ability to familiarise himself with the client's business and needs for legal advice." Chambers & Partners 2025
"He really cares about his clients and always does his best to give honest and realistic expectations." Chambers & Partners 2025
"Daniel Wendelsson provides a good service. He is hands-on, quick to get back and gives practical advice." Chambers & Partners 2025
“Daniel is very fast, easy to get hold of, he is very up to date on anything regarding public procurement.” Chambers & Partners 2024
‘Daniel Wendelsson is always available, very strong in identifying and analysing key legal issues and in arguing his case both orally and in writing. He always delivers on time and gives clear and practical advice with regard to legal aspects and business operations.’ Legal 500 2024
"Daniel always has a really good answer that is clear, so I know what decision I need to take or how to proceed. Furthermore, he is not only focused on the law and processes, but also takes my perspective from the business side into account." Daniel Wendelsson acts for bidders and contracting bodies on all stages of tender processes, including bids, public contract negotiations and review procedures. Chambers & Partners 2023
Daniel Wendelsson is service minded, and keen to make sure that I understand. I think he does a fantastic job, and is competent in the field but I would not have expected anything less. He meets my expectations, which were set very high.’ Legal 500 2022
Daniel Wendelsson and Kristoffer Sällfors. Two of the top experts within public procurement law in Sweden. You can feel comfortable that an analysis from them on a procurement matter is of the highest level.
Daniel Wendelsson is a skilled procurement lawyer, who is good at explaining complicated legal matters to non-lawyers and easy to work with.’
‘Daniel Wendelsson is likeable and provides well thought through advice based on lengthy experience in the area.’ - Legal 500 2021
Daniel Wendelsson acts for clients in all stages of tender procedures, including bids, review procedures, negotiation of public contracts and delivery phases.
Clients find him to be a "specialised" adviser, who is "experienced in the field" and "highly dedicated to his cases." Chambers & Partners 2021
Daniel Wendelsson is ranked as "Next Generation Partner" - Legal 500 2020
Daniel Wendelsson assists contracting authorities and suppliers with public procurement mandates involving the transport, TMT and financial services sectors. One client praises his "very good knowledge about the subject," adding: "He also has a very good ability to give advice and judge between the legal and business aspects of various matters." Chambers & Partners 2020
Who’s Who Legal Government Contracts Sweden 2020
Clients are full of praise for specialist Daniel Wendelsson 'performs at the highest level of procurement law' – Legal 500, 2019
Daniel Wendelsson är omnämnd som "Next Generation Partner" i Legal 500 2019
Daniel Wendelsson är omnämnd som Recognised Practitioner i Chambers & Partners 2019
Who’s Who Legal Government Contracts Global 2019
Daniel Wendelsson är omnämnd som ”Next Generation Lawyer” i Legal 500 2018
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Erasmusutbyte år 2003-04
Konkurrensverket, processråd, 2011-2016
Konkurrensverket, föredragande, 2009-2011
Länsrätten i Stockholms län, notarietjänstgöring och föredragande, 2006-2009
Övriga meriter
Expert i Överprövningsutredningen (SOU 2015:12) år 2014-2015
Föreläsare i upphandlingsrätt för domare och andra jurister i förvaltningsdomstolar och på fördjupningskurserna i offentlig upphandling på Uppsalas och Stockholms universitet.