Mattias Rosengren är delägare i byråns grupp för tvistlösning. Han är specialiserad på kommersiella tvister och har agerat som ombud i ett stort antal svenska och internationella processer och skiljeförfaranden. Mattias Rosengren anlitas också som skiljeman. Han har stor erfarenhet av såväl ad hoc skiljeförfaranden samt skiljeförfaranden under bland annat Stockholm Handelskammares regler, ICC:s skiljedomsregler samt UNCITRALs regelverk. Han har erfarenhet från tvister rörande ett antal olika branscher, inkluderande bland annat verkstadsindustri, energi, entreprenad, försäkring och tvister i anledning av företagsöverlåtelser.
"Mattias possesses an outstanding knowledge and experience paired with a hands-on approach." Chambers & Partners 2025
"Mattias is a truly outstanding lawyer and litigator who is exceptionally skilful." Chambers & Partners 2025
‘Mattias Rosengren is a truly phenomenal lawyer and litigator. He is responsive, a strategic thinker and really comprehensive in everything he does. Mattias’ technical skills and drafting abilities are second to none, and his case handling skill is very impressive. Incisive, extremely bright and really nice to work with; Mattias is a class act.’ Legal 500, 2024
'Mattias has a truly excellent legal mind and, in addition to being extremely impressive intellectually, is immensely knowledgeable and a very strong tactician.' Chambers Global 2024
Mattias Rosengren offers advice to both domestic and international clients on various issues such as construction and insurance disputes. "He is extremely reliable and approachable." Chambers & Partners 2023
Mattias Rosengren climbs the rankings following positive market feedback. He offers advice to both domestic and international clients on various issues such as bankruptcy and insurance disputes. One client describes Rosengren as "very hands-on, timely and simply just a very pleasant and caring lawyer to work with." Chambers & Partners 2022
Mattias Rosengren offers advice to both domestic and international clients, covering various issues such as bankruptcy and insurance disputes. One client describes him as "responsive and a strategic thinker," adding that "he is extremely bright and his case-handling skills are very impressive." Chambers & Partners 2021
Mattias Rosengren offers advice to both domestic and international clients, covering various matters including natural resources disputes and bankruptcy and insurance claims. - Chambers & Partners 2020
Clients appreciate that he gives "very thoughtful and well-considered advice, is very astute and has absolute control over the case." - Chambers & Partners 2019
Mattias Rosengren is highlighted for his "ability to understand complicated structures" and handles disputes in a number of technical areas such as financial services and energy. Clients emphasise he can "identify and focus on the key issues." - Chambers & Partners 2018
Mattias Rosengren specialises in commercial arbitration but offers broad experience of disputes and litigation in the financial services, energy and telecommunications sectors. Clients describe him as "extremely clever," whilst also praising his "solid business knowledge." - Chambers & Partners 2017
Mattias Rosengren has experience in a broad range of disputes, including arbitration and regulatory framework proceedings. His clients include companies from across the energy, construction, insurance and manufacturing sectors. - Chambers & Partners 2016
Mattias Rosengren is described by his clients as "a rising star who is both intelligent and strategic - and what is brilliant for us is that you can really trust him to give you the best advice." - Chambers & Partners 2015