Per Johan Eckerberg är specialiserad inom försäkringsätt. Han har mer än 30 års erfarenhet som rådgivare till försäkringsbranschen. Per Johan var 1990 en av grundarna till Vinges försäkringsgrupp; Sveriges första specialistgrupp för försäkringsrörelsefrågor. Per Johan Eckerberg är hedersordförande i Försäkringsdistributionsmarknadens (InsureSec) Disciplinnämnd och har under en lång rad av år varit ordförande i Svenska ICC:s (ICC Sweden) Kommitté för Finansiella tjänster och Försäkring. Per Johan är författare till FörsäkringsrörelseManualen, den enda kommentaren till försäkringsrörelselagen.
‘Per Johan Eckerberg is the most knowledgeable expert in his field in Sweden.’ Legal 500, 2024
“Per Johan is the primary expert in Sweden on insurance regulatory matters.” Chambers & Partners 2024
"Per Johan is the most knowledgeable lawyer I know in the insurance regulatory field." "Per Johan is great and has a high reputation on the regulatory side of insurance." Chambers & Partners 2023
Per Johan Eckerberg adds to the strength of the team with his more than 30 years of experience in advising insurance companies. Legal 500 2023
Per Johan Eckerberghas extensive experience advising on regulatory compliance matters in Sweden's insurance sector. "I value Per Johan's knowledge highly," says one client, whilst another source considers him to be "Sweden's leading expert within the fields of insurance business and insurance regulatory." Chambers & Partners 2022
‘Fabian Ekeblad and Per Johan Eckerberg are in my opinion the two top lawyers in Sweden in the field of insurance business legislation. Eckerberg is one of the founders of Vinge’s insurance practice in the eighties and is probably the best known Swedish insurance business lawyer, having written several books on the subject.’ - Legal 500 2021
Per Johan Eckerberg is described by one interviewee as "the most experienced and well-known lawyer in Sweden for insurance business law."
He has extensive experience advising on disputes with the financial services regulator and regulatory compliance matters. Chambers & Partners 2021
‘Per Johan Eckerberg has an unsurpassed experience of the insurance sector.‘ - Legal 500 2020
Interviewees highlight Per Johan Eckerberg for his academic contributions to the market's understanding of European and Swedish insurance law. He advises on appeals against decisions made by the Swedish financial services regulator and assists with regulatory compliance questions. "If anyone in the insurance market wants a second opinion they turn to him, since he has made his name as a professor in the insurance field," states one interviewee. - Chambers & Partners 2020
Clients applaud Per Johan Eckerberg for being "outstanding in his field," while noting his particular expertise in corporate insurance and regulatory matters. - Chambers & Partners 2018
"Per Johan Eckerberg is the ”best of the best” – Euromoney 2014 and 2018
Per Johan Eckerberg is highly experienced in regulatory issues and insurance transactions. Clients note that he is "extremely knowledgeable and experienced in all aspects of insurance law and insurance business, and well-deservedly regarded as one of the leading insurance lawyers in Sweden." - Chambers & Partners 2017
Per Johan Eckerberg is "extremely knowledgeable and has great experience in dealing with these legal issues." He is a leading authority in the market for his work on regulatory and compliance matters.- Chambers & Partners 2016
Vid Insurance Awards 2015 tilldelades Per Johan Eckerberg försäkringsbranschens pris ”Årets försäkringsprofil”
Per Johan Eckerberg is"very knowledgeable when it comes to insurance business practices," according to sources, and is well regarded for his expertise in regulatory and compliance matters. - Chambers & Partners 2015
Per Johan Eckerberg is hailed as "one of the greatest authorities on insurance in Sweden." He is notably experienced in insolvency mandates involving insurance companies, and is also recognised for his regulatory expertise. - Chambers & Partners 2014
Per Johan rankas bland Sveriges ledande advokater inom försäkringsrätt av bl.a. Euromoney, Legal 500, Practical Law Company och the International Who's Who.