Silvia Dahlberg är specialiserad på tvistlösning och kommersiella avtal. Hon företräder regelbundet klienter i komplexa tvister i såväl skiljeförfaranden som i svenska domstolar oavsett instans. Silvia har omfattande erfarenhet som ombud i skiljeförfaranden i olika jurisdiktioner och under de flesta större skiljedomsinstituts regler, inklusive SCC, ICC, Swiss Rules, ICDR, LCIA och ICSID och hon besitter särskild erfarenhet av ärenden som rör klander eller verkställighet av skiljedomar.
Utöver sin verksamhet som ombud anlitas hon också regelbundet som skiljeman både i Sverige och internationellt.
Hon har erfarenhet från ett flertal olika branscher, inklusive entreprenad, tillverkningsindustri, teknik, fordonsindustri, försvar, energi, försäkring och finansiella tjänster.
Silvia Dahlberg är rankad som ledande tvistlösningsadvokat i Sverige av de främsta rankningsinstituten, inklusive Chambers & Partners, Who's Who Legal och Legal 500. År 2018 utsågs hon till vinnare av International Law Office (ILO) Client Choice Award, i kategorin Litigation, Sweden.
"I am highly impressed with the unwavering commitment of Silvia, coupled with her deep understanding of the practice areas." Chambers & Partners 2025
"It is a privilege and a pleasure working with Silvia. She is a supremely talented advocate and is incredibly responsive."Chambers & Partners 2025
‘Silvia is an incredibly gifted and dedicated lawyer. She is both steeped in the law and aware of her client's business concerns. She provides excellent advice in complex commercial disputes.’ Chambers Global 2024
‘She is definitely a superstar in Sweden and beyond.‘ Who’s Who 2023
‘She masters the details of a case quickly, is able to come up with solution-driven ideas and is always perfectly aware of all the trends and tendencies within Swedish courts in arbitration matters.’ Chambers Global 2024
‘Silvia Dahlberg is a terrific lawyer who is thoughtful and business-minded.’ Chambers Global 2024
‘Silvia Dahlberg is an excellent lawyer with a good understanding of and interest in technology. She is responsive, genuine and offers firm opinions on the legal issues clients put forward.’ Legal 500, 2024
‘Silvia Dahlberg is a terrific lawyer who is thoughtful and business-minded.’ Chambers Global 2024‘Silvia is a brilliant counsel who possesses outstanding advocacy skills.‘, Who’s Who 2023
‘I admire her profound knowledge not only of international arbitration but international law and business relations as well. This team has a great team spirit and responsiveness, inspired by its leader, Silvia.’ Legal 500 2023
‘Silvia Dahlberg is outstanding.’ Legal 500 2022
‘Silvia Dahlberg is the most professional, dedicated and hardworking lawyer we have worked with and has done a terrific job with our legal cases.’ Legal 500 2021
‘Silvia Dahlberg is a dispute resolution specialist who receives widespread plaudits for her top-tier handling of commercial proceedings under major arbitral rules.’ Who’s Who Legal 2020
‘Silvia Dahlberg is sophisticated and full of knowledge.’ Legal 500 2020
Silvia Dahlberg is described by clients as “Smart. Fast thinker.” - IFLR 1000 2019
Client Choice Award 2018: Exclusive winner Sweden, category litigation
'Silvia is an extremely professional, competent and stringent litigator.’ Client Choice Award 2018
‘She has a high work capacity; she always delivers on time and never compromises on quality.’ Client Choice Award 2018
‘Silvia is always able to solve her client’s needs; she is an expert in her field.’ Client Choice Award 2018