Vinge har mottagit högsta ranking i 16 av 20 kategorier i Legal 500:s ranking för 2023 som släpptes under onsdagen.

Följande verksamhetsområden har erhållit Tier 1 i The Legal 500:s EMEA guide 2023: Banking and financeCapital markets, Commercial, corporate and M&A, Dispute resolution, Employment, Energy, EU and competition, Fintech, Healthcare and life sciences, Insolvency, Insurance, Intellectual property and media, IT and telecoms, Real estate, Shipping och Tax

Dispute resolution avancerar i år till Tier 1.

"With a ‘very professional approach’, Advokatfirman Vinge handles high-profile and high-value cross-border litigation and arbitration for top multinational corporations and foreign and domestic government clients, often acting as lead counsel. The team is led by Cecilia Möller Norsted, Jerker Kjellander and Silvia Dahlberg; Norsted is a key name for arbitration proceedings in the energy, telecoms and real estate sectors, Kjellander is experienced in post-M&A and construction disputes, and Dahlberg handles international commercial and investment arbitrations. James Hope has over 25 years’ experience in disputes and is dual-qualified in Sweden, and England and Wales, while Jonas Eklund is a key name for large energy arbitration proceedings."


Områdena Construction, Data privacy and data protection, Environment och Public procurement har erhållit Tier 2.