
10BE5 and Vinge partner to accelerate tech adoption for capital raisings in the Nordic region

2 mars 2022

10BE5, a legal tech company, and Vinge today announce a collaboration partnership.

10BE5 builds products that help automate prospectus drafting. Its customers include global law firms with top-tier capital markets practices. These firms have used its flagship product N2N, which automates financial disclosure drafting, in over 35 transactions since its launch in late 2020.

Following a successful pilot involving an IPO on Nasdaq Stockholm, 10BE5 and Vinge determined that it would be in the parties’ mutual interests to forge a formal partnership. The objectives of the partnership include:

  • Co-developing 10BE5’s products for use in capital markets and M&A transactions;
  • Tailoring 10BE5’s products to the specific requirements for companies in the Nordic region; and
  • Facilitating the growth of listings in the Nordic region through tech adoption.


Jesper Schönbeck, Partner and Head of Capital Markets and Public M&A at Vinge and heavily involved in Vinge’s innovation practise, said:

“I believe it’s inevitable that the use of technologies will transform how we prepare capital markets legal documentation for the better. I am impressed by 10BE5’s ability to combine legal expertise with cutting-edge AI technologies. As one of the most active capital markets advisors in Sweden, we are confident that our clients and lawyers will benefit from this initiative.”  


Kristian Weberyd, Digital and Innovation Officer at Vinge, said:

“This partnership will enable us to stay ahead of the curve and participate directly in the development of tech solutions that serve our and our clients’ needs, as a part of our strategy.”


John Kwan, Co-Founder of 10BE5, said:

“The Nordic region is a major growth area for 10BE5. We are thrilled to be collaborating with Vinge, one of the top firms in the region. Customers have consistently highlighted 10BE5’s deep understanding of their needs. This partnership will further strengthen our capabilities in this regard.”


Mohamed Taha, Co-Founder of 10BE5, said:

“We are really excited to work with our friends at Vinge to develop and expand the use of 10BE5's products in the Nordic region.”


About 10BE5:

10BE5 is a London-based legal tech company focused on automating capital markets-related workstreams. Its products are designed with input from legal practitioners and use a range of technologies, including state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. Learn more about 10BE5 at:


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