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Vinge has advised Brunswick Real Estate Capital in connection with a real property financing of Nyfosa of approximately SEK 1.7 billion

Vinge has advised Brunswick Real Estate Capital in connection with an approximately SEK 1.7 billion facility agreement for the purpose of refinancing Nyfosa’s real property portfolio “Svea Real”. The real property portfolio contains 36 properties around Sweden.
July 12, 2022

Vinge has advised Moank in connection with the issuance of Additional Tier 1 Capital of SEK 150 million

Vinge has advised the fintech company Credit Opportunity One AB (publ) (u.n.c.t. Moank Fintech Group AB (publ)) (the “Company”) in connection with its issuance of additional tier 1 capital (AT1) of SEK 150 million to optimise its capital structure.
July 12, 2022

Vinge advises Lagercrantz Group in conjunction with the acquisition of Stegborgs EL-evator

Lagercrantz Group AB has acquired Stegborgs EL-evator AB, which offers products and solutions pertaining to the renovation and reconstruction of lifts.
July 05, 2022

Platzer’s sale of residential property at Gamlestadens Fabriker to JM

Vinge advised Platzer in connection with the sale of a residential property at Gamlestadens Fabriker to JM. The transaction encompasses 5 000 square metres of ground area with a potential building development of 26 300 square metres.
July 05, 2022

Vinge advises Ikano Bostad in real estate transactions with Wallenstam

Wallenstam has purchased a central urban project in Årstaberg, Stockholm, from Ikano Bostad in the amount of SEK 750 million. In connection with the transaction, Wallenstam has also sold a portfolio of 28 residential properties in Gothenburg and Partille to Ikano Bostad in the amount of SEK 1,360 million.
July 01, 2022

Vinge advises Komatsu in connection with the acquisition of Bracke Forest AB

Vinge advises Komatsu Ltd. and its subsidiary Komatsu Forest AB in connection with the acquisition of Bracke Forest AB, a company that develops and manufactures soil preparation equipment and products for mechanized forest planting.
July 01, 2022

Vinge advises Lagercrantz Group in conjunction with acquisition of PcP Corporation

Vinge has advised Lagercrantz Group in conjunction with acquisition of 95 % of the shares in the Danish business group PcP Corporation A/S, a leading product company with innovative, high quality, customer adapted security solutions. The acquisition was performed for a total enterprise value of approximately SEK 500 million.
June 30, 2022

Vinge has advised SBC Sveriges BostadsrättsCentrum with the acquisition of Mediator AB

Vinge has advised SBC Sveriges BostadsrättsCentrum, a all-round supplier within the residential real estate market, in connection with its acquisition of the housing management company Mediator AB.
June 30, 2022

Vinge advises Cantargia in connection with rights issue

Vinge advises Cantargia AB (publ) in connection with a fully covered rights issue of approximately SEK 250 million.
June 30, 2022

Vinge advises Mentimeter in connection with a private placement

Vinge has advised Mentimeter AB (publ) in connection with a private placement of approximately SEK 432 million to several new investors and current shareholders.
June 23, 2022

Vinge advises Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Nordea, Morgan Stanley and DNB Markets in connection with Millicom’s rights issue

Vinge advises Goldman Sachs International, J.P. Morgan Securities plc, Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Sverige (Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners), DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA, Sweden Branch and Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc (Joint Bookrunners) in connection with Millicom International Cellular S.A.’s rights issue of approximately SEK 7.5 billion before issue costs.
June 23, 2022

Vinge advises SEB in conjunction with co-operation with and investment in Leneo

Vinge has advised SEB in connection with the commencement of a strategic co-operation with and through SEB Venture Capital becoming a stakeholder in the Danish tech company, Leneo.
June 20, 2022

Vinge advises Ernström Ventures and Nicklas Storåkers in connection with their investment in Lysa

Vinge has advised Ernström Ventures and Nicklas Storåkers in connection with Lysa carrying out a new share issue in the amount of SEK 350 million. Lysa is an automatic investment vehicle service and the new capital will be used for further international expansion.
June 16, 2022

Vinge advises FCG on its public offer for Transcendent Group

FCG Holding Sverige AB has announced a recommended public offer in cash to the shareholders of Transcendent Group AB (publ). The total value of the offer is approximately SEK 240 million. Vinge advises FCG.
June 15, 2022

Vinge has advised King in connection with the acquisition of Peltarion AB

Vinge has advised King in connection with the acquisition of the operational AI platform provider Peltarion AB.  
June 15, 2022
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