Marcus Glader är ansvarig för Vinges specialistgrupp EU, Competition & Regulatory. Marcus är specialiserad på konkurrensrätt och delägare i Vinges specialistgrupp EU, Competition & Regulatory. Marcus arbetar med alla typer av EU- och konkurrensrättsliga ärenden, med särskild tyngdpunkt på transaktioner, missbruksärenden och konkurrensrättsliga processer. Marcus har stor internationell erfarenhet och är rankad bland de främsta konkurrensrättsspecialisterna i Sverige. Han är juris doktor och gästföreläsare vid Lunds universitet och en flitigt anlitad talare vid konferenser och seminarier.
"He is a great partner to work with. He has a bird's-eye perspective and is very client- and service-oriented." Chambers & Partners 2025
"Marcus Glader is very knowledgeable within this area and has high competence in competition law." Chambers & Partners 2025
"He is clear and direct in his advice." Chambers & Partners 2025
‘Marcus Glader and his support team are very knowledgeable and solution focused.’ Legal 500, 2024
‘Marcus Glader is a true competition law rock star. He navigates across cultures and is able to make himself understood and heard in the most complex situations.’ Legal 500, 2024
“Marcus Glader is a leader in the field and a trusted adviser.” Chambers & Partners 2024
“He has deep knowledge yet is practical.” Chambers & Partners 2024
“Marcus is very commercial and pragmatic.” Chambers & Partners 2024
Marcus Glader always delivers high-quality advice and is very reliable in complex transactions.’
Marcus Glader is friendly, commercial and has deep insight into all fields of antitrust.’
‘Marcus Glader has the ability to swiftly understand the commercial area in scope, and give user friendly advice.’ Legal 500 2023
"Marcus Glader is one of the best competition lawyers in Sweden." "Marcus Glader excels in client service, responsiveness and the ability to manage multi-layered projects. He is a leader who ensures momentum and quality." Marcus Glader is among the market's most expert antitrust advisers. He frequently assists major private equity houses with merger control issues. He also offers notable experience in antitrust investigations, as well as acting on challenges to authority decisions and follow-on damages claims. Chambers & Partners 2023
Marcus Glader is among the market's most expert antitrust advisers. He frequently assists major multinational corporations with abuse of dominance and merger control issues. A client enthuses: "He is capable of grasping complex situations fast and gives good analysis and advice, doing his best to find solutions." Chambers & Partners 2022
‘Marcus Glader and his team are excellent. They listen to their clients, are practical and goal-oriented.’
‘Marcus Glader is business-minded, understands the business and gives hands on advice that leads to results. He is a resilient and good negotiator.’ Legal 500 2022
‘We’ve been very pleased with professional service and advice received from Marcus Glader and Sebastian Örndahl.’ - Legal 500 2021
Marcus Glader is among the market's most expert antitrust advisers. He frequently assists major multinational corporations with abuse of dominance and merger control issues. Chambers & Partners 2021
‘Marcus Glader stands out for his availability and his commercial mindset. He can weigh risks and give clear recommendations to clients on what to do.‘
‘We have been very impressed by the performance of Magnus Glader and Sebastian Örndahl. They have in-depth knowledge of competition law matters and the quality of their work has been outstanding. Their availability is great and it has been a real pleasure to work with them.‘ - Legal 500 2020
Marcus Glader is highly regarded among peers, offering competition law expertise in merger processes, abuse of dominance claims and dawn raids. He acts at both a domestic and cross-border level, advising clients from a variety of sectors including TMT and finance. - Chambers & Partners 2020
Marcus Glader is highly experienced with handling merger controls on a global scale, in addition to disputes pertaining to abuse of dominance and other competition-related litigation. A client says he "combines great legal skills with a solid business understanding, offering flawless and extremely well thought-through advice," also noting: "He is very good at managing different stakeholders." Chambers & Partners 2019
Described by one source as a "very smart lawyer who is open-minded," Marcus Glader is known for his particular focus on transactions and merger control, as well as handling abuse of dominance issues and competition law litigation. One client praises his appreciation of the "commercial angle," while emphasising that he "still has the technical skills and knowledge to tell the client the consequences." - Chambers & Partners 2018
Marcus is listed in Who's Who Legal: Thought Leaders - Competition 2018, featuring the top 10% of the world’s leading competition lawyers, as well as Who's Who Legal: Competition - Future Leaders 2017, profiling the foremost practitioners in the competition community aged 45 and under.
Marcus Glader remains a popular choice for his expertise in matters involving the EU Commission, including merger control mandates and cartel investigations. One source reports: “He is very commercial and helps the organisation to go for a risk-based decision understanding the consequences.” (EU& Competition). - Chambers & Partners 2017
Marcus Glader is praised by clients for having a "vast theoretical knowledge base combined with well-developed business acumen." He is particularly experienced in merger controls and competition litigation (EU& Competition). - Chambers & Partners 2016
Marcus Glader previously worked in Brussels for many years and is able to advise clients on EU law. He has particular expertise in the competition law aspects of corporate transactions. (M&A) - Chambers & Partners 2016
Marcus Glader has focused knowledge of EU competition law, particularly relating to transactions and antitrust issues. (EU& Competition) - Chambers & Partners 2015
Marcus Glader is an expert in EU competition law and has many years' experience working in Brussels. He is particularly knowledgeable when it comes to abuse of dominance proceedings. (M&A) - Chambers & Partners 2015
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